Toyo Tanso USA has various purification vessels that remove metallic impurities from graphite. We use multiple halogens to remove these impurities at high temperatures. Toyo Tanso guarantees to provide graphite that has been purified with ash levels below 5ppm. Toyo also can provide an augmented process that utilizes Argon as a carrier gas to provide exceptionally low levels of Boron and Nitrogen. Our goal is to set the industry standard for high purity products. These products have served to be important to our customers requiring elevated performance. These purer products will help yield the results you desire for that performance.

Element Content / ppm (wt) Method
Boron (B) 0.20 AP
Sodium (Na) <0.05 AAS
Magnesium (Mg) <0.02 ICP-AES
Aluminum (Ai) 0.08 ICP-AES
Silicon (Si) 0.10 AP
Potassium (K) <0.10 AAS
Calcium (Ca) <0.04 ICP-AES
Titanium (Ti) <0.09 ICP-AES
Vanadium (V) <0.07 ICP-AES
Chromium (Cr) <0.07 ICP-AES
Manganese (Mn) <0.03 ICP-AES
Iron (Fe) 0.04 ICP-AES
Nickel (Ni) <0.10 AAS
Copper (Cu) <0.08 ICP-AES
Total Ash <5 Burn Out

ICP-AES : Inductively Couple Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry 
AP : Absorption Photometry 
AAS : Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 
"<" : shows less than Detection Limit.